Percentage Calculation

 Video Tutorial

Key Aspects:
  • Base Value (Original Amount)
  • Percentage Rate (Percentage)
  • Percentage Value (Percentages of Amounts)
  • Calculating Discounts and Price Increases
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 Revision Cards

1) Percentage Calculation

Components of percentage calculation explaining the base value (£10), percentage rate (20% discount), and percentage value (£2 reduction).

2) Calculating Percentage Rate

Calculating percentage rate with an example of a £5 original price, a £2 coupon, and a resulting 40% discount.

3) Calculating Percentage Value (Percentages of Amounts)

Calculation of percentage value showing a £20 base value with a 10% increase, resulting in a £2 increase and a new total of £22.

4) Calculating Base Value (Original Amount)

Calculating the base value with a shopping example; spent £35, 70% discount rate, and the base value calculation shown as £50.

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