Probability Rules and Expected Values

 Video Tutorial

Key Aspects:
  • Equiprobable Events
  • Addition Rule for Probabilities
  • Expected Values (aka expected frequencies)
  • Practical Examples
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 Revision Cards

1) Equiprobable Events

Explanation of equiprobable events by using a die and showing that each face has an equal probability of 1/6.

2) Calculating Probabilities: Example 1

Drawing coloured balls from a bag with 50 balls, showing 50% for blue and 30% for red.

3) Addition Rule for Probability

Explanation of the probability of drawing blue or red balls from a bag with 50 balls using the addition rule for mutually exclusive events.

4) Expected Frequency (same as Expected Value)

Calculating the expected absolute frequency using a die, illustrating that the expected absolute frequency of rolling a "3" over 60 trials is 10.

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