Fractions, Decimals, and Parentheses After a Minus Sign

 Video Tutorial

Key Aspects:
  • Decimals and Fractions in Arithmetic Expressions
  • Converting Between Decimals and Fractions
  • Parentheses After a Minus Sign
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 Revision Cards

1) Adding Fractions with Decimals

Arithmetic expression showing conversion of fractions to decimals and solving methods: 1.75 + 3/5 + 3/4 solved using decimals and fractions.

2) Decimals Only Versus Fractions Only

Pros and cons of using decimals and fractions in arithmetic, highlighting ease of addition, subtraction and rounding differences.

3) Inserting Parentheses After a Minus Sign

Arithmetic expression showing how to handle parentheses after a minus sign, with fractions 3/8 and 5/8 converted to decimals.

4) Removing Parentheses After a Minus Sign

Instructions for how to handle parentheses after a minus sign with decimal and fraction examples and simplification steps.

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