Cosine Rule

 Video Tutorial

Key Aspects:
  • Cosine Rule: Finding Sides or Angles in Non-right Triangles
  • Application of the Cosine Rule to find sides
  • Application of the Cosine Rule to find angles
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 Revision Cards

1) Cosine Rule

Cosine Rule formula a² = b² +c² -2bc·cos(A) explained with a triangle diagram labelled with sides a, b, c, and angle A.

2) Cosine Rule: Finding Sides

Using the cosine rule to find a side in a triangle with sides 3 cm and 5 cm and an angle of 60 degrees between them.

3) Cosine Rule: Finding Angles

Triangle GEF with sides 4 cm, 3 cm, and 2 cm, applying the cosine rule to find angle F as 47 degrees using a calculator.

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