Converting Between Decimals and Fractions

 Video Tutorial

Key Aspects:
  • Decimals and decimal separators
  • Decimal Fractions
  • Converting fractions to decimals
  • Converting decimals to fractions
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 Revision Cards

1) Decimals and Decimal Separators

Place value chart introducing decimals, sort digits from hundreds to thousandths, with the number 12.345 split into whole number and fractional parts.

2) Decimal Fractions

Showing decimal to fraction, 0.1 as 1/10, 0.01 as 1/100, 0.001 as 1/1000, 0.4 as 4/10 or 2/5, 0.75 as 75/100 or 3/4, and 0.028 as 28/1000 or 7/250.

3) Converting Fractions to Decimals

Decimals greater than 1 to fractions, showing conversion of 8.25 to 825/100, 165/20, and 33/4, and breaking 8.25 into 8 and 0.25 as 8 + 1/4.

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