Constructing Triangles

 Video Tutorial

Key Aspects:
  • Labelling a triangle
  • Constructing triangles given angles and sides
  • Constructing triangles using a compass and ruler
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 Revision Cards

1) Labelling a Triangle

A triangle with vertices A, B, and C, sides a, b, and c, and angles α, β, and γ. The vertices are labelled counterclockwise.

2) Constructing a Triangle Given Angle, Side, Angle

Constructing a triangle ABC with angles 60° and 70°, side c=6 cm using compass and ruler. The sides and angles are labelled.

3) Constructing a Triangle Given Side, Angle, Side

Constructing a triangle ABC with sides 5 cm and 6 cm, and angle 50°, including labelled diagram.

4) Constructing a Triangle Given Side, Side, Angle

Constructing a triangle ABC with sides a = 7 cm, b = 5 cm, and angle β = 40°, showing two possible triangles with different angles at vertex C.

5) Constructing a Triangle Given Side, Side, Side

Constructing triangle ABC with sides 4 cm, 5 cm, and 6 cm using compass and ruler, including labelled angles α, β, and γ.

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